Rumson Borough
Police Department
For Emergencies
Dial 9-1-1
(732) 842-0500
Chief of Police
Donald E. Schneider #65
Donald Morse #77
Joseph Strohmenger #78
Troy Malone #79
Brooke Costa #80
James Camilleri #81
Class II Special Officer
Class II Special Officer
Class II Special Officer
Nicolette Martire
The mission of the Rumson Police Department is to protect and serve our community, to keep it safe, to prevent crime, and to build partnerships that enhance the quality of life in The Borough of Rumson.
Reporting an Emergency
When dialing 9-1-1 or (732) 842-0500 to report an emergency, please stay on the line until the dispatcher advises you to hang up. The dispatcher will need specific information on your emergency to dispatch the appropriate response team and equipment swiftly.
Residential & Outdoor Outages/Down Wires
Please report all power outages directly to JCP&L:
Call 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877)
Visit & select “Report Outage”
Text "out" to 544487
To report outdoor outages:
To report downed wires:
Call 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877)
Call your local police department
Do not approach or touch any downed wires
Avoid driving or walking past wires tangled in trees and bushes
Visit the JCP&L MyTown link on the Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) 24/7 Power Center
Car Seat Installation
Rumson Police Department has three certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technicians. This program is a national certification and is a program of Safe Kids Worldwide working hand in hand with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Our CPS technicians keep up-to-date on the latest technical information and can help parents or caregivers with any of their child safety seat questions. If you are looking to have your child safety seat inspected or need some hands-on assistance, our CPS techs can help you with that process, too. Please call the Rumson Police Department at 732-842-0500 and set up an appointment with one of our trained Child Passenger Safety technicians.
Safe Medication Disposal Box
Important Tips
Prevent Burglaries
Always lock your doors and windows when your home is not occupied. Secure all valuables in a safety deposit box or keep those valuables safely hidden. Most often when a burglary occurs, there is no forcible entry. Also, remember to lock all vehicles in your driveway and remove anything that someone would be tempted to take. You can't be too careful.
Report Any Suspicious Activity
All residents are urged to notify the Police Department at (732) 842-0500 of any suspicious activity suspicious persons, or suspicious vehicles immediately. Don't wait! Your alertness can assist Police Officers in keeping your neighborhood a safe place to live and will prevent crimes from taking place.
Never Disclose Personal Information
You should never give out personal information over the telephone or on the Internet. No information on family members, schools, workplace, or financial or credit card information should be revealed. It is also strongly recommended that parents monitor their children's (and teen's) computer activity. Numerous crimes against children begin through introductions on the Internet. Be alert and aware to protect yourselves and your family.
Bikes & E-Bikes
The Rumson Police Department is committed to ensure safety within The Borough. Bicycling in New Jersey is regulated under Title 39 of the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation laws. These are the laws The Rumson Police Department follow for enforcement.
Department of Transportation - Title 39​
We are also aware of the growing popularity in E-bikes and the various classifications of each bike based on maximum speed variations. To review the state's E-bike laws and regulations to understand Rumson's enforcement policies, please visit:
New Jersey E-Bikes Laws & Regulations

Residents may now AT ANY TIME dispose of their expired and unwanted medications at Rumson Police HQ (80 East River Road, Rumson N.J. 07760). The disposal box is located at the entrance to Police HQ. The depositor may dispose of medication either in its original container or by removing the medication from its container and disposing it directly in to the deposit box. If the original container is submitted, the depositor may remove their personal information from the container if they wish to do so.
The Rumson Police Department has partnered with KidCents and The Rite Aid Foundation. This foundation is committed to supporting a safe environment for children in our communities by helping to reduce the misuse of medications by adolescents and accidental childhood poisonings.
The Safe Medication Disposal Program advances that mission by providing local law enforcement agencies in Rite Aid service areas with medication disposal units to ensure that individuals can safely dispose of their unwanted medications in an environmentally-friendly manner, while keeping them out of the hands of kids and teens. To read more about KidCents and The Rite Aid Foundation please click the link below.
Items Accepted: Prescription medications (Scheduled II-V controlled and non-controlled substances); over-the-counter medications.
Items NOT Accepted: illegal drugs; syringes or sharps; lotion or liquids; inhalers or aerosol cans; thermometers; hydrogen peroxide.
Home Security Surveys
Our crime prevention officers will be happy to conduct home security surveys at the request of our residents. The survey will inform you of proper lighting in your home, proper type of locks, maintenance of alarm systems, and any area that may be vulnerable to certain crimes. Please contact the Rumson Police Department at (732) 842-0500, and ask to speak with a Crime Prevention Officer.
All alarm systems must be registered with the Rumson Police Department. As per Rumson Ordinance 3-14.1, any person who desires to own, operate, lease or maintain an alarm system in the Borough of Rumson must file a registration application on the form provided by the Borough of Rumson Police Department.
The application must contain the location of the alarm system, the installer's name and address; the type of device; information relating to false alarms and testing procedures; a list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons to be contacted in the event of an alarm, at least one of whom shall have an address and phone number different than the registrant; and such other necessary information as may be required by the Police Department. It is the registrant's obligation to file a written amendment with the Police Department within ten (10) days indicating any changes contained in their existing registration application.
Alarm application forms can be obtained at Rumson Police headquarters, or can be downloaded below. Please return the completed form to Rumson Police Headquarters at Borough Hall Lower Level Rear, 80 East River Road. This enables us to have the most current information regarding your alarm system and emergency contact information.
Police Records Bureau
The Records Bureau is open between 8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday – Thursday.
We are here to help. Our goal is to provide you with your documents as soon as possible. However, some reports, cases, and investigations may take some time to process and can be quite involved. Reports cannot be obtained until all phases of the case have been completed and are ready for dissemination through the Rumson Police Department Records Bureau.
For some requests, you may be required to complete an OPRA (Open Public Records Request) form. These forms are available at the Records Window or may be downloaded below. Please read the second page of the OPRA Request Form carefully, this page contains important information concerning your rights under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1) If the record(s) you requested is not currently available or is in storage, the Records Custodian will advise you within seven (7) business days when the record can be made available, or may grant or deny your request at that time.
Rumson Police Department OPRA Request Form
Please make sure to call ahead to ensure your report is complete! We will be happy to look up and advise you on the status of your report. Please provide the case or event number, time and location or the incident and parties involved. Completion time for accident reports is approximately 5-7 business days. Reports cannot be processed via facsimile.
If you are denied a request you have the right to appeal. Your options are explained on the second page of the OPRA Request Form. Refer to for more information.
Handicap Placards
The Records Bureau processes SP-68 Applications for Temporary Handicapped Placard. These can be picked up at Police Headquarters or printed from the link listed below. Applications must be signed by a medical doctor, podiatrist, or chiropractor and returned to us with a check in the amount of $4.00 made payable to: “N J Motor Vehicle Commission”. These are temporary permits and will be issued only when necessary and when the applicant’s physical condition is not considered permanent. These permits expire 6 months from issue date and may be extended if necessary. Permanent Placards can be obtained through the NJDMV.
SP-68 - Application for Temporary Handicapped Placard
Confidential Resident Information Forms
Your completion of a Confidential Resident Information Form allows Rumson Police to enter information into the police database. The form provides key information pertinent to your address in case of an emergency. We will have important contacts and an understanding of any special needs that exist right at our fingertips and be able to expedite the specific help that you will need. Forms are available at the Rumson Police Headquarters at Borough Hall Lower Level Rear, 80 East River Road.
The Rumson Police Department has been notified by the New Jersey State Police to NO LONGER fingerprint persons for reasons other than criminal arrests, volunteer emergency services, and applicants for out-of-state employment that have their own fingerprint cards.
If you are looking to be fingerprinted for anything other than gun permit applications or volunteer emergency services, visit the New Jersey State Police website to find the link for the appropriate forms pertaining to fingerprinting for such reasons as good conduct, immigration, Visa, expungement, etc. Once you find the appropriate form, you must than contact the New Jersey State Police contracted vendor, MorphoTrak at (877) 503-5981 or visit their website:
Firearms Permits
All firearms permits for the Borough of Rumson are handled by the Rumson Police Department. All applications are to be submitted through the New Jersey State Police website, which will then be forwarded to the Rumson Police for processing. Most questions can be answered via the New Jersey State Police website found below. When applying for a Rumson Firearms Permit please use ORI: NJ0134200.
In order to be eligible, all applicants must satisfy the eligibility requirements and comply with all the statues and provisions that govern firearms as is set forth by the State of New Jersey (N.J.S.A. title 13, Chapter 54). NOTE: The falsification of information on any of the applications for firearms permits is a violation N.J.S. 2C:39-10C and is a crime in the third degree. Any falsification may result in criminal charges against you.
New Jersey State Police Firearms Information:
Internal Affairs
Please utilize this section to view the Rumson PD internal affairs process, which has been revised based on the directives of Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal. Please use this link to access the Internal Affairs Report Form, as a PDF in all available languages.