PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that per New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish and Wildlife licensed bow hunters may hunt White-tailed Deer by bow on private properties, provided the hunters have landowner permission.
There are a few things to consider before allowing hunters to hunt on your property:
A hunting license is required to hunt on private land.
A Landowner-Hunter/Trapper Agreement Card must be signed by both parties and be available upon request.
The same laws and regulations apply to landowners hunting on their own property that apply to them when they hunt on public land.
Hunting seasons are the same on both public and private land.
No person, except the owner or lessee of the building and persons specifically authorized by him in writing, which writing shall be in the person's possession, shall, for the purpose of hunting, taking or killing any wildlife, have in his possession a nocked arrow while within 150 feet of any occupied building in this State, or within 450 feet of any school playground, and a nocked arrow shall only be cast when a person is in an elevated position so that any arrow is aimed in a downward angle. (NJ Rev Stat § 23:4-16 (2019))
Under the New Jersey Legislators' Landowner Liability Act, owners of private land are not required to tell hunters about any dangerous areas on the property. However, if hunters are injured on the property and malicious intent is suspected of the landowner, the landowner will be fined and punished accordingly.
Landowners may deny access to their land or allow access to anybody that they wish. They may also charge a fee for allowing hunters to hunt on their property.
New Jersey's Division of Fish and Wildlife established that on private land, people are allowed to hunt on Sundays.
Landowners may grant partial access to hunters. This means they may designate only a certain area on their land on which hunting is allowed. If the hunters go outside of these boundaries, they are legally trespassing and landowners may press charges.
Landowners hold the right to have any hunter that damages their property arrested. Hunters that damage private property may have to pay up to a $2,000 fine as well as forcibly pay restitution.