The Borough of Rumson proposes the removal and replacement of concrete curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, and ADA accessible curb ramps along East River Road (County Route 10) from Black Point Road to Bingham Avenue. The scope of work is consistent with the prior phase of improvements completed on East River Road between Ridge Road and Black Point Road.
The plan is to generally replace what currently exists with upgrades in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessibility standards. The Borough of Rumson was awarded a New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal Aid grant to offset a majority of the project costs.
Monmouth County has committed to resurfacing East River Road after the Borough’s project is complete. A paving schedule from Monmouth County has not been finalized at this time.
Lancha Construction was awarded the project based on their submission of the lowest, most responsive bid. The Borough has worked with Lancha Construction on other projects, most recently the Phase I improvements on East River Road and Ridge Road.
The work is currently scheduled to start on/or about Monday, May 11, 2020 at the Black Point Road end of the project. Based on the initial project schedule submitted by the contractor, active construction for approximately three (3) months is anticipated.
If you have questions, please see the East River Road Improvements Project FAQ or contact either: David M. Marks, P.E., CME, CFM Rumson Borough Engineer (732) 842-3300 or
Keith Mueller Senior Staff Designer/Inspector T&M Associates (732) 671-6400
July 17, 2020
The next phase of roadway paving is scheduled for Monday, July 20 and Tuesday, July 21, weather permitting. The following intersections with E River Road will experience temporary closures to allow for milling, repaving and necessary cooling: West Street, Parmly Street, Ward Lane, Bruce Place, Maplewood Avenue, Meadowbrook Avenue, Lakeside Avenue, Forrest Avenue, Lennox Avenue, Park Avenue, and North Park Avenue. Please avoid these areas to the greatest extent possible and exercise caution when in active work zones.